Market opportunity mapping
Qualify, quantify, segment and prioritise your most valuable market opportunities and customers
Clear understanding, segmentation and prioritisation of markets is a prerequisite to effective strategy, resource management, marketing and sales. All too often markets are targeted simply because they're big. Our approach is to quickly 'landscape' and prioritise the most valuable markets, assessing market entry requirements, scalability, competitive position, customer prospects likely revenue and margin. But above all we search for realisable, quantified opportunities.
Our market opportunity mapping solutions
Market landscaping
A broad perspective about market dynamics, key trends, emerging technologies, innovations, threats and opportunities is the foundation for adaptive strategy and innovative business models.
We help businesses understand the dynamics of the markets they operate in, competitive positioning, opportunities and growth potential. We help uncover unmet needs, dissonance, risks and assumptions and better target the best commercially attractive market opportunities now and in the future.
Competitive assessment
Understanding positioning, current capability and potential threat from direct and indirect competitors is an essential first step in building sustainable differential advantage.
We review competitor environments, profiling current and prospective competitors, innovative market entrants and incumbents. We use a variety of primary and secondary research, publicly available reports and mystery shopping to understand and develop competitive position and differential advantage.
Opportunity sizing
All too often markets are seen as attractive because they are big, there's a kind of 'large TAM' obsession. But it's not just the size of the market that matters, it's the value of realisable opportunities.
We help businesses verify TAM, SAM and SOM but more importantly we help them to pinpoint and quantify market opportunities they can exploit. Our approach is different, we build market opportunities by studying and quantifying available budget in target customers and the profiling likely sales and revenue flows.
Market opportunity targeting
Not all market opportunities are attractive at any one point in time and it takes careful planning to ensure specific opportunities can be captured.
Our market opportunity planning and execution builds integrated, timely, commercial strategies that focus marketing, sales, channels and communication on specific opportunities and market share. We combine strategic and tactical growth sprints that ensure we adapt to changing market conditions and continue to build revenue and capital value.
Customer profiling
Ideal Customer Profiles (ICP) are important but Nearly Ideal Customer Profiles (NICP), are arguably just as important.
We use bench research, available public information, company websites, marketing collateral, mystery shopping and interviews to build real-life profiles of typical customers and 'near prospects', Decision Making Units, budgets, buyer processes and likely commercial spend. We use these profiles to craft strategies focused on building mind-share, relationships and revenue from current and future customers.